In this course Introduction to Microsoft Project 2019/365: Getting Started, students will spend time getting familiar with the Project 2019/365 user interface, including project views and the ribbon. They will also learn to enter, organise and link tasks, work with resources, create basic reports and create projects independently. The course provides time to practice fundamental basic skills that are essential for efficient use of this program.
IT Training
MS Project 365
Who should attend this course?
Project managers, and everyone who is responsible for creating and modifying project plans, and everyone who needs a tool to manage those project plans.
Be familiar with the Windows and Office environment. Work in project mode on a daily basis/ Be a project manager or team leader or simply a member of a project team.
Be able to manage a project, organize tasks in a work breakdown structure, link tasks, assign resources to tasks and manage resources. Be able to identify the critical path, follow the project according to the baseline
About a project
- Clearly defining the hypothesis, the means and the purposes of the project.
The Calendars
- The project calendar and other calendars
The Tasks
- Split the project into tasks and phases
- Task Duration, Work
- Linking tasks
- Lag and lead time, elapsed time
- Different task types
- Recurring tasks
- Notes and attachments
- Grouping tasks
- Other task options
The Resources
- Specify people and equipment for the project
- The resources calendar and resource availabilities
- Resource costs
- Notes
- Assigning the resources to tasks
- Grouping resources
- Other resource options
Fine-tuning the project
- Leveling
- Resolve Over-allocation of resources
- Evaluating the schedule (project dates – critical and non critical tasks – critical analysis)
- Reducing the duration and the cost of a project
Saving the Baseline
Tracking the project
- The project progress (track the schedule – choosing the follow up method)
- Track the project to stay on schedule. (tracking the project – analyse variances – dealing with variances)
- Saving interim plans
- Communicating about the project progress.
The Different views
Using existing filters
Using existing Reports

Practical information
3 Days
€ 1200 + 21% VAT
Classroom Courses
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