This course is intended for PC beginners, to help them become familiar with the Windows 11 Operating System environment. Explains how to interact with their computer and use its windows and applications; understanding the computer contents, drives, network, cloud, internet… ; and how to create and store content.
IT Training
Windows 11 for end users – beginners
Who should attend this course?
Users getting started with computers
Ideally users need to be comfortable using a mouse and keyboard
This course is addressed to PC beginners. How to relate to the computer and use its windows and applications. Understanding the computer contents, drives, network, cloud, internet… How to create and store content
New desktop,
New taskbar,
New apps (difference between desktop apps and online apps),
New file Explorer (managing files and folders),
OneDrive, collaborating with colleagues,
New Edge,
Microsoft 365 portal
Tips & tricks and keyboard shortcuts for efficiency

Practical information
1 Day
€ 400 + 21% VAT
Classroom Courses
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