IT Training

What’s new in Java 9 to 17

In this training, you will learn the important Java new features introduced in Java 9 to Java 17. The course is composed of a set of hands-on labs which cover the modular application development and other cool new features, including local variable type inference, text blocks, records, pattern matching, seled classes, etc. By the end of this course, you’ll know how to use the most powerful features of modern Java to write faster and more readable programs.

Who should attend this course?

Java Developers, Java Applications Architects


Participants should be comfortable with Java language 8, syntax and object-oriented application development.

Review of Java Release model

  • Java History
  • Java Release model
  • Long Term Support

What’s new in Java 9

  • The Java Platform Module System
  • JShell Command Line Tool
  • HttpClient
  • Small Language enhancements (Stream improvements,…)

What’s new in Java 10

  • Local Variable Type Inference
  • Unmodifiable Collections
  • Optional*.orElseThrow()
  • Container awareness

What’s new in Java 11

  • Running Java File with single command
  • New utility methods in String class
  • Local-Variable Syntax for Lambda Parameters
  • JEP 321: HTTP Client (Support de HTTP/2)

What’s new in Java 12

  • Arrow case labels in Switch expressions
  • CompactNumberFormat
  • String API: the indent() and transform() methods
  • Java Microbenchmark suite

What’s new in Java 13

  • The new yield statement in Switch expression
  • String API: the stripIndent() and translateEscapes() methods
  • Pattern matching
  • Garbage Collector: Enhancement to ZGC

What’s new in Java 14

  • Helpful NullPointerException
  • Improved instanceof operator
  • Pattern Matching for instanceof

What’s new in Java 15

  • Text blocks
  • Hidden classes
  • Foreign memory API

What’s new in Java 16

  • Records
  • Day Period support
  • Stream.toList Method

What’s new in Java 17 (LTS)

  • Sealed classes
  • Improved Pseudo-Random Number Generators
  • Always-Strict Floating-Point Semantics

Practical information






€ 1450 + 21% VAT


Classroom Course


Guaranteed to run

Sessions in English
04 - 06/3/2024Book
05 - 07/6/2024Book
16 - 18/9/2024Book
21 - 23/11/2024Book

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